Here is the press release for the Coloradoan newspaper announcing my upcoming lecture on the Day of the Dead festivals in Colonial Mexico. My presentation features my color photography from my 2005 journey to the cemeteries of San Miguel de Allende and Guanujuato. I will be photographing the Day of the Dead festivities in and around Oaxaca, Mexico this fall.
"Laurie Zuckerman, an art instructor at Front Range Community College, will give a slide show presentation on "El Día de los Muertos: Altars and Cemeteries from Colonial Mexico" at 4 p.m. Tuesday, October 23, in the Harmony Library Community Room.
"Zuckerman’s presentation is one of the activities to recognize El Día de los Muertos, a Latin American tradition in which people build sometimes-elaborate altars in memory of deceased loved ones. The tradition corresponds with Christian recognition of All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2). Altar decorations, including sugar skulls and vintage dolls, will be exhibited in the display cases of Harmony Library.
"The activities are co-sponsored by FRCC’s Latino Club, Student Life, and the Psychology of Death and Dying class taught by Beverly Leslie, psychology faculty. The Fort Collins Public Library also is a sponsor."