Laurie Zuckerman's new memory jug, "A Bone to Pick," is featured in the gallery section of Pasticcio Quartz #5, a 72-page Holiday Mosaic Extravaganza published by artists Sarah Fishburn and Angela Cartwright. This jug and many other new and never before exhibited memory jugs will be on display next summer at the Loveland Museum & Gallery, when Laurie Zuckerman fills the museum with home altars, memory jugs, and shrine photography. The exhibit opens on August 29, 2009.
In the tradition of the finest art salons, each issue of Pasticcio Quartz offers a "panoply of new art, books, food, history, movies, people, photographs, products, quotes, music, thought, and words served up as a delectable printed pastiche."
To purchase a copy of this issue or other back issues, log onto: http://stores.lulu.com/cartwrightandfishburn