Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Laurie Zuckerman was guest juror for the Colorado Women's Caucus for the Arts "Container Show" to be exhibited at The CORE Gallery from August 19 thru September 5 on 900 Santa Fe Drive, the popular arts district in downtown Denver. Laurie selected 24 works from Colorado women artists for this show, including found-object assemblages, sculptures, paintings, digital photography, and awarded six prizes, including Best in Show. There were a number of small "shrines" and memory pieces to consider, making the jurying particularly relevant to Laurie's own artistic leanings. Laurie is exhibiting a poster of  her eclectic memory box entitled "Who Dreams of a Horse" in this CORE Gallery exhibit.

Laurie Zuckerman's juror's statement to the artists:

"I am intrigued by all of the works that appear in this Container Show. They represent any combination of the following artistic qualities: meticulous, detailed, spare, thought-provoking, conceptual, nostalgic, original, or just plain beautiful. Let me applaud all of you who contributed your time and creative spirit, whether you were juried in to the show or not. I had a wrath of personal and meaningful works to choose from, and it was an honor to have you share your heart and your vision with me to make this show a success.

"Jurying is a “challenging and subjective responsibility,” words that I have borrowed directly from the WCA Colorado chapter website. I have taken my role as juror seriously and applied the same high standards to your work as I would to any other artist or student that asks for my opinion. It is a weighty position and one guaranteed to instill dismay and even hurt feelings. It is the nature of the beast, unfortunately. Perhaps your work did not jive with the broad theme of “containers.” I tried my hardest to perceive the connection with each and every piece, many of which displayed well on their own merits, apart from the theme. Likewise, if your piece did not measure with the visual maturity of the show I was selecting, it was also passed over. Quality in both the technical details and overall aesthetic are paramount in my determination. Equal with quality is my perception of creative concept and uniqueness of form. Originality.

"I agree that a juror definitely is swayed by her own artistic preferences, and in this regard I have much experience and aesthetic criteria to bring to the jurying table. The juror wrestles with her own opinions and the artists wrestle to comprehend the juror’s vantage point, both before and after the fact. What stands above all of that second guessing, is the work itself. The art speaks for itself, silently, powerfully, wordlessly. That is the nature of visual art. This is a powerful exhibit that each of you has contributed to conceiving and realizing. Congratulations to all of you artists!"

For more information:

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