Saturday, January 15, 2011


New Mexico cemetery plastic archangel

Colorado cemetery Jesus, life-size

Colorado cemetery crucifixion, life-size

Colorado cemetery Mary at the base of above crucifixion

New Mexico cemetery on the High Road to Taos

New Mexico cemetery on the Low Road to Taos, life-size

New Mexico cemetery on the Low Road to Taos, life-size

New Mexico cemetery on the High Road to Taos

Southern Colorado cemetery Jesus and Mary "Pieta" statue

Southern Colorado cemetery Jesus and Mary "Pieta" statue

New Mexico Navajo Reservation cemetery 

New Mexico Navajo Reservation cemetery 

Laurie Zuckerman's frequent travels to remote cemeteries in the Southwest are occasionally rewarded with a rare spiritual photographic image, rather than merely a photo document. I plan to share a few of my favorite spiritual images, as I sort years of photography into publication-worthy folders. Watch for more iconic shots over the next few days. 

The first photo of the archangel is one where the chance elements of time, weather, and even vandalism have altered the monument maker's vision to produce something  more poignant than his/her original artistic conception. The silhouetted crucifix against the setting sun is the perfect iconic image. The fireball sky is true to my experience of these life-size statues in the Aguilar cemetery, in Southern Colorado. My favorite roads to travel and photograph in New Mexico are the High Road and the Low Road, both leading from Espanola to Taos. They wind through small Hispanic villages and pueblos, past historic camposantos and mission churches. The shredded flag on the Navajo Reservation in northwestern New Mexico is typical of these high-desert cemeteries with their extremes of wind and sun and neglect. Veterans are frequently honored with flags.

This spiritual photo series is also linked to Rebecca Brooks' Recuerda Mi Corazon's blog hosting her series called "Stumbling Toward Ecstasy." Rebecca and I invite you to log on to her site:


  1. Yowsas....both are incredible. I sit here wondering which NM cemetery the first one is in...what a perfect capture of the Jesus statuary with glorious colors behind it.

  2. oh laurie...

    the sunset behind mary turning her grey stone purple, stunningly beautiful.
    i am speechless.

  3. I used to scoff at images and icons. No more. They are powerful ways to draw us toward the divine. Thank you.

    Sweet Ecstasy!

  4. I want to get in my car and just start driving and use your blog as my roadmap.

  5. My eyes are soOOOOOo happy gazing at your photos! Wish I could get in a car right now and head out west! This post is pure ecstasy!

  6. now i am over the moon!!!!
    you have swept me away beyond

  7. I'm from england and I'm wondering what the english do, if they have an equivelant of this type of thing. I suppose we have a history of making not to much of a show. I will have to investigate.

    Beautiful pictures, needless to say.

  8. Laurie, as always stunning! You never fail to out do yourself!!!! These images are breathtaking indeed. your biggest fan, kp


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