Saturday, December 7, 2013


On December 10, 2013, Laurie Beth Zuckerman will finally meet her artist friend, Rebecca Brooks in person. Over these past many years, our shared blog posts, facebook remarks, and personal emails have nurtured our relationship in cyberspace and deepened our mutual love and spiritual connection to Mexico and all things Mary. Finally we will come together in real space to share Rebecca's Loving Lupita tour of San Miguel de Allende. We arrive just in time to celebrate the festivals of La Virgen de Guadalupe. I just happen to share a birthday with the Guadalupe on December 12. 

Rebecca has invited me to teach my Memory Nicho Altar workshop in conjunction with her folk art and church tour of the region. Eight of the ten women on the trip will work with me over the course of our ten-day journey to create their own interpretation of a Guadalupe shrine, using a variety of old folk art and painting techniques. I can't wait to meet everyone and begin!!!

Above is a photo of the Guadalupe I took in 2005 on my first trip to San Miguel de Allende. I hope to find many more sweet and inspiring images of the Mother of Mexico to share on my blog. Meanwhile, below is a tiled Guadalupe shrine I encountered in the municipal cemetery in Oaxaca, Mexico during the Guadalupe festival of 2009. Dried up Día de los Muertos flowers are still decorating the shrine.


  1. such lovely blue tiles, the complementary color of orange flowers set it off perfectly!

  2. That is so exciting that you will be traveling and teaching with Rebecca. For some reason I had assumed you were always on her tours because you seem like soul sisters with your interest in Mexican folk art. So, you don't leave until the 10th. I had thought you were leaving today. Thanks, as always, for sharing with us. I look forward to all the images and all the art you will share with us after the trip.

  3. How exciting to finally meet Rebecca in person---and in San Miguel!

  4. How Exciting it is when you finally get to hook up with a Blog Friend in Real Life! May the Tour be all that you Envision it to be and I Hope you will Share the completed Altar Images?

    Christmas Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  5. I am so happy for you both...and for the others who will join both have so much to share, I wish it would have been possible for me.
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  6. Hug her for me please!!!
    have a beautiful time!

  7. Have a wonder filled time Laurie Beth! I know it will be incredible. Celebrating Mary on the 12th in San Miguel... may it fill you all, with love and beauty...

  8. your post is so lovely, and then each comment left from the generous hearts of good friends.
    so looking forward to celebrating our friendship in a country we are so head over heels in love with.
    feeling very blessed!

  9. such wonderful blessings! I am there in Spirit and will definitely be coming along next year - my ship came in that I was waiting for - now just holding thumbs that you will be hosting another workshop next year - that will be perfection!! enjoy every moment Laurie!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Laurie,

    How exciting for you to finally meet Rebecca. I'm so happy for you. If you think of it, please give her a hug from Annie.

    Wishing you a wonderful time and great adventure.


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