Wednesday, December 5, 2012


For this fifth day of the "Twelve Days of Mary" celebrated by Rebecca Brooks and her friends at her Recuerda Mi Corazon site, I am reposting a detail of my 2006 altar installation, "In the Pink". This altar features two Italian chalkware Madonnas, one with child. This altar celebrates the loss of my own childhood. After my mother and father passed away leaving me "orphaned", I maniacally created this 7 x 9 foot shrine to my life as the daughter I once was. It took me two years to collect enough pink items to satisfy my sorrow. I built the altar in my downstairs studio, and often slept in the same room just to spend more of my time living with it while I constructed it.

I exhibited this altar at the Rocky Mountain Biennial, a multi-state competition that was held at the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art. It took third prize in this show that filled two floors of the museum. What an honor!! Plus I was invited to lecture at the museum about this altar. Putting all of my deep feelings into words was a huge, huge challenge for me, but I was extremely pleased with how the talk was received.

Please visit other beautiful daily Virgin Marys at Rebecca Brooks' blog, from now until December 12th. I will be posting a different Virgin on my own altars each day, too.


  1. Hi Laurie. This altar really has so much beautiful and meaningful detail. So many tears must have gone into this.There are no words. I feel the electricity in it. Thank you. Happy Mary Day.

  2. What a deeply moving tribute you created, Laurie. I love that you chose pink, the color we all share that denotes a soft and healthy glow in our bodies.

  3. I am a such a fan of your have no idea how inspired I am by you as an artist and your devotion to the sacredness of life. Thank you♥

  4. I enlarged the photo and was absolutely amazed at the detail. Where did you keep, or where do you keep this installation. What are its dimensions. This was a unique and very meaningful way to grieve.

  5. This is a really high energy work!!!
    Thanks for sharing,


  6. it is like entering into ones most cherished innocence. the time before the knowledge of separation, when we have not yet tasted the pain of separation; when we do not even know it is possible.

    being here fills me beyond the forming of words. i can't imagine the honor of hovering before each detail and drinking in the essence of such profound love.

    thank you laurie. as you so willing honor, the sanctity of life blooms, this time in pink.

  7. new baby, first love, maternal was what came to mind when i saw this and before reading your story.. you ar their baby, first love, maternal inspiration to your mother.. beautiful, healing

  8. it is like entering the most holies of holy. Are you working on publishing a book your altars and the entire process? I would be so grateful if such a book is ever published! pure pure inspiration!


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