Sunday, January 6, 2013


Laurie Beth Zuckerman's "My Three Mothers" Memory Jug 2013

Laurie Beth Zuckerman's "My Three Mothers" Memory Jug 2013

Laurie Beth Zuckerman's "My Three Mothers" Memory Jug 2013

Laurie Beth Zuckerman's "Skating on Thin Ice" Memory Jug 2013 displayed
in the lobby of the Lincoln Center. My husband is in the background.

Laurie Beth Zuckerman's "Skating on Thin Ice" Memory Jug 2013

Visions and Viewpoints National Juried Competition at the Lincoln Center Gallery.
My memory jug is on the pedestal in the middle of this view.

The Lincoln Center Gallery in Fort Collins hosted a national competition of fine art and I was lucky to have two of my found-object memory jugs selected for this exhibition by Guest Jurors Louis Recchia and Zoa Ace. Competitions are always hit-or-miss, but this time I studied the jurors' artwork on their websites, and entered pieces that were both colorful and whimsical, based on their visual leanings. 

This is my first time exhibiting in this newly remodeled gallery, my favorite venue in Fort Collins. 
The show, which opened last year on November 30, finished up yesterday, January 5, 2013 and I ran down with my tripod and camera to grab these installation views. So many reflections and lights make for a sparkling show but lend some difficult photography conditions. 

Laurie Beth Zuckerman's "My Three Mothers" Memory Jug Closeup

Laurie Beth Zuckerman's "Skating on Thin Ice" Memory Jug Closeup

Below is the preview article from the Loveland, Colorado Reporter Herald about the exhibition.

Here is the link to the Lincoln Center Gallery to view its past and current exhibitions.


GlorV1 said...

Awesome Laurie. You've inspired me to do a memory jug this year. Maybe one of my son. Thanks.

Annie Jeffries said...

Enjoyed them both, Laurie, but "My Three Mothers" really moved. me.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow ~ Fantastic creations ~ Wonderful creation!

(A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You have experienced the fruit of your creativity: paradise!

Paradise at The Temple Bar

Terry Matlen, ACSW said...

Congrats, Laurie! Well deserved!

rebecca said...

over the moon delicious!

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations!xx

Anonymous said...

What a great show Laurie!!! I have to get better at traveling to Ft Collins and checking out exhibits.

So sorry to have missed this one.
