Southern Colorado metal cemetery crucifix
Southern Colorado metal cemetery crucifix
Southern Colorado metal cemetery crucifix, half-buried
Colorado metal cemetery crucifix
New Mexico metal cemetery crucifix
New Mexico plastic cemetery crucifix
New Mexico plastic cemetery crucifix
New Mexican plastic/metal cemetery crucifix
New Mexico metal cemetery crucifix
New Mexico metal cemetery crucifix, detail of arms
Laurie Zuckerman begins a new series of crucifix imagery photographed in northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado on January 1, 2011. The Catholic crosses are embedded in concrete or sandstone gravestones in old rural cemeteries, referred to as camposantos —holy fields. The photos date from my travels throughout the past seven years, specifically to document cemetery art. Here is a website I just found that provides photos and historical information about these "casket crucifixes" and "coffin crosses." http://www.catholichomeandgarden.com/crucifixes.htm
Check back daily for new photos from this series. If you are interested, all of these photos will be available for sale. Contact me at zucky@qwest.net
Southern Colorado metal cemetery crucifix with seashells
Southern Colorado metal cemetery crucifix with seashells and bottle
My crucifix photo series is linked to Rebecca Brooks' Recuerda Mi Corazon's blog hosting a series called "Stumbling Toward Ecstasy." Rebecca and I invite you to log on to her site:
I, too, am drawn to these forms. (I'm basically a Buddhist!). Lovely.
such beauty, just waiting in watch over yesterdays loved ones.
you have the eyes for beauty that others have forgotten. the kind of beauty one must head out on long walks through the past. the type of beauty that time and mindfulness have only enhanced with the patina of raw elements.
the willingness to stand silent forever.
thank you for taking us on your holy sojourns....
your stumble towards ecstasy.
wonderful photos! I am slowly covering a wood fireplace screen with crucifx(s) large and small. some of the subjects in your pics would be perfect! thanks for sharing them!
oh I feel as if I have stumbled upon Heaven seeing all of these... thankyou.
here in Australia, our cemeteries are rather 'bland' if i am allowed to use that word for such a sacred place..
These are beautiful and ancient finds that take a deep and compassionate appreciation and sensibility. You clearly have both. thank you for sharing.
My heart has been swelling (only word I can think to use that really describes the feeling) as I've been viewing your cemetary posts. I would buy a book containing such images and history in a heartbeat.
I'm so glad you are doing this. I may never see these places but I can still say that I have been there - In My Dreams.
I stare at your photos with a sense of awe...vicariously in your company you as you capture each relic so soulfully. I find your work truly inspirational and deeply moving. Thank you for sharing your treasures.
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